Maria C Friscia

Maria C Friscia
I attribute my love of art to my wonderful memories growing up in a small mountain village in Italy admiring the picturesque countryside.  I immigrated to the U.S. at the age of twelve with my parents and brother and lived in New York City.  My inspiration for art was sparked after observing a family friend’s works of art. I completed my second B.A. degree in art and subsequently graduated with an M.F.A. in 1997.

My medium has been mostly acrylic but I have discovered painting with oil as well.  The woods, the hills, the cliffs, the water–these are all motifs for inspiration and reflection of a particular experience.

I create my landscape work as I understand it intellectually and my art is an expression of my concept of nature.   I concentrate on the emotional expression or the aesthetic ideas that forms in nature may suggest.  I do not feel obliged to represent nature realistically; this gives me the freedom to experiment with form, design and color.