Cindy Bernier

“I am a dancer, exploring paint as movement on canvas. I use my body’s memory to become the paint, the brush strokes, the color, patterns, texture. I explore movement dynamics through the paint. Translating body memory into paintings connects me to a language where dance and paint merge.”
Cindy Bernier, a life-long dancer, explores paint as movement on canvas. She is fascinated by the process of remembering and accessing movement dynamics through mark making and layers of color.
Cindy Bernier's work reflects her career as a dancer/choreographer. An early member of Joyce Trisler’s, Danscompany, she performed and served as artistic director of Kinetikos, New England Dance Theater and Bernier Dance where she created over 30 works. Cindy Bernier began painting in 2017 as a way to further explore her life-long work as a dancer/choreographer.